Concussions Are Brain Injuries and We Take Them Seriously

It was not until recently that medical professionals gained a clear understanding of concussions and the impact they can have on a person’s life. Concussions were brushed aside as a temporary ailment for which there were few (if any) treatment options. Today, however, we know much more about the dangers of concussions and their potential long-term consequences if left untreated.

What Is A Concussion?

The Mayo Clinic defines a concussion as a traumatic brain injury that changes the way in which a person’s brain functions. Concussions are typically caused by head trauma, which results in the brain colliding with the sides of the skull. Common symptoms for concussions include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Confusion or amnesia
  • Dizziness or ringing in the ears
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering information

These symptoms can impact a person’s ability to perform his or her job, drive a car or other normal daily activities. More serious symptoms could include:

  • Psychological and personality changes
  • Depression

We Will Fight For Your Rights

The attorneys at Kennedy, Johnson, Schwab & Roberge, P.C., have kept up to date with the advancing knowledge on concussions and their negative side effects. We realize the danger of letting a concussion go untreated. Our job is to fight for the compensation you deserve to cover any medical costs necessary to treat your condition, along with replacing lost wages and any other costs associated with the injury.

An Example From Professional Sports: The NFL

The National Football League has been in the news in recent years for concussion-related litigation. Former players were learning about the dangers of concussions they sustained during their career as their symptoms manifested themselves years down the road. We hope we can help prevent these same situations from happening to you and your family, so please take the first step in your recovery today.

Contact A Concussion Injury Lawyer In Connecticut

Please schedule a free initial consultation with our concussion injury attorneys online today. You may also call our firm at 203-936-7931 (local) or 203-865-8430 (toll-free) to speak with a member of our team.

We look forward to serving your needs.

How it Works

Contingency Fees

At Kennedy, Johnson, Schwab & Roberge, P.C., we handle all Concussions cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we do not get paid unless and until you receive a settlement or a jury award.

Schedule a free, confidential consultation with a skilled Connecticut personal injury lawyer today. Contact us online or call our New Haven law firm directly at 203-865-8430.

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